

Difference Between Windows, Linux and Mac

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Friday, 31 August 2012

Control Others Mobile Using Bluetooth

Magic blue hack is Free mobile Bluetooth hacking software developed for j2me(Java S40) based  handsets. By using this Software You can Hack and Gain almost full access of victim's Mobile. hack you can gain almost full control over the victim phone.Installation and setup of magic blue hack is quite easy, hope you all knows how to install a software in mobile phone, you need  run this java application in Your...

How to Break Windows XP Password

This post covers most of the ways of cracking windows XP users’ password.     Method 1: If you have an administrator account (Not Guest) then the XP users’ passwords can be reset using command prompt. Go to the task-bar and click on the Start button, then click on run and in the place given on dialog box type “command”, press enter. Now In the Command prompt type “net user” the screen will display...

How to lock Or unlock your system by USB

This is very use full trick for your system protection.  When you entered your USB. when you work on your  system, and when you removed your USB. when you are  not work on your system, and block your Keyboard and Mouse. 1:-Firtlsy download this software “Predator”. 2:-After install this software then launch this software      and plug-in your USB device. 3:-Define the New password for USB then click “ok” and       retype password. 4:-Check your USB current drive letter(G:)...

how to hack Windows Password

Mathode:-1 by Dos 1:-Now restart your system and restart time press F8 button continue. 2:-Choose “Safe mode” and then choose “Administrator” account. 3:-start à Run à “cmd” Or “command” without quote. 4:-Now follow these command… C:\>cd\ (Press enter) C:\>net user (Press enter) You see that different – different user name Choose any one User account  name suppose that “ram” then type these command C:\>net user ram (Press enter) C:\>net user ram 12345 (Press enter) Hack ram...

Thursday, 30 August 2012

How to Create fake call without software

This trick are work only some multimedia set's is Nokia, Samsung etc. This trick for making(Fake call) by  own number on your phone. This trick is very use full for just kidding with friends.This trick can be use as you are talk to other person and reduce balance from another mobile. So Let's following.......... Denote:- Mobile1= 1st person denote by: 1st Mobile2= 2nd person denote by: 2nd Mobile3= 3rd person denote by: 3rd 1:-Firstly call the customer care number to your service provider       by (1st) mobile. 2:-When...

How to remove turn off option

1:- Start à Run à “regedit” type without quote. 2:-then find these address following below.. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ Explorer 3:-create “DWORD” value for click right and choose “DWORD”. 4:-Rename this as “NoClose”. 5:-Right click on NoClose and choose modify and enter following value. 0= Show turn off icon 1= No show turn off icon ...

How to change text to voice without software

1:-Open Notepad and copy and paste the following code in notepad. Dim message, sapi message=InputBox("Enter the Character for Speaking?","Text To Voice Changer") Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") sapi.Speak message 2:-Now save the notepad file with the name speak.vbs on your desktop(.vbs Extension must) 3:-Now double click on speak.vbs type in the box and then click ok and computer speak now....

Thursday, 23 August 2012

32 Ways To Extend Laptops Battery Life

Laptops Battery life is most important in laptops You can extend life of your laptops battery with this steps: 1. One of the factors that affect life of battery is the fan.If there is dust on the fan,Laptops get heated and easily consuming more power.Based on experiences when the fan is cleaned, it start performing well and the speed too is boosted. 2. Avoid exposing your battery to heat.This...

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Shut Down Your PC by SMS

This is my favourite secret mobile phone tricks out of the list. When you have everything set up, you’ll be able to send a text message with a chosen keyword such as “˜shutdown’ to your PC. This then activates the shutdown procedure. Here’s how it works.                       First, you create an easy text file with a one line command...
